Dual training: sustainability vs generativity


  • Valerio Massimo Marcone




The essay aims to explore the theme of transitional processes of young people in the world of work in a key of generativity, in light of a strong international impulse from the “Agenda 2030” (2015 UN), in contrasting the unsustainability of the current development model not only on the environmental and economic level, but also on the social and educational level (goals 4 and 8). It is therefore necessary to question how educational research can “intercept” these challenges in order to propose new ideas in supporting the learners starting from the transitional processes from school to the world of work. In this perspective, the essay aims to investigate the links between the two paradigms of generativity and that of sustainability, hypothesizing concrete dimensions that can be updated from an educational point of view.



How to Cite

Marcone, V. M. (2020). Dual training: sustainability vs generativity. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(1 Tome II), 607–617. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XVIII-01-20_53