Pedagogy of slowness: recover sensory and re-flexivity to form critical thinking and to respond to the educational needs at school


  • Luana Collacchioni


In order to take in each student his/her uniqueness, develop a capacity of
free thinking, promote and favor self-expression, prevent or manage forms
of temporary or permanent discomfort and accordingly reply to the BES
regulations, professional educators can choose the “pedagogy of slowness”
and the enhancement of the senses, thus promoting physical and emotional
experiences that motivate and develop learning, contemplative thoughts
and the formation of the individual.



How to Cite

Collacchioni, L. (2015). Pedagogy of slowness: recover sensory and re-flexivity to form critical thinking and to respond to the educational needs at school. Formazione & Insegnamento, 13(1), 123–128. Retrieved from