Inclusive Policies: the school as a participated community and professional development mediated by the agency


  • Milena Pomponi Pensamultimedia



The paper focuses on inclusive policies and professional development me-diated by the agency and illustrates the research-training project within a unique, unified context. The project aiming to actively involve school leaders and teachers and to enhance involves middle management in order to empower them to become agents in promoting agentive, inclusive and shared skills. It (the project) examines inclusive policies, which are one of the three dimensions of the Both&Ainscow Social Model, as well as the Calvert’s teacher agency theory, crucial for the implementation of inclusive processes and contexts transformation.



How to Cite

Pomponi, M. (2020). Inclusive Policies: the school as a participated community and professional development mediated by the agency. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(1 Tome II), 518–531.