The educational relationship to school for an education on the move


  • Daniele Coco


Human movement, since the womb, is one of the first frame of relationship
between a person and the environment. The human movement will be
dealt from the point of view of the role that it covers in individual and evolutive
development of a human being, and also it will be explained how the
educational relationship can represent a great opportunity for human education.
The purpose of the Movement Science is to aim at a modification of
the individual, through education. Human nature isn’t just a biological and
anthropological fact, it develops into a relationship with a place made of objects
and other human beings. The education goes through the relation between
trainer and trainee, especially in the school context, considering the
link that joins the teacher-trainer and the student-trainee. They are put in
connection with the world and this leads to continuous fulfillment of both
trainer and trainee.



How to Cite

Coco, D. (2015). The educational relationship to school for an education on the move. Formazione & Insegnamento, 13(1), 129–142. Retrieved from