The need of training in sport and physical activities: between economy and pedagogy


  • Daniele Coco


European and Italian situation in sport leads to think over the professional
and training importance of sport. A reflection on Italian sporting population
will be made, analysing how it can be considered as an economic and working
force, as stated by EC.
The question: “Who cares about people that practise sports?” will be examined
under both economic and educational aspects. Starting from these observations
the importance of training in sport will be shown.
Modern society wishes to fulfil all needs people have. The purpose of life is
the possession of anything instead of the pursuit of truth and mutual benefit.
Through a specific training, sport as educational way can give a pedagogic
knowledge that allows to develop educational values of this primary
human activity.
Therefore, it is necessary to educate to liberty and well-being in sport, and this
is possible only through a training for people who practise sport activities.



How to Cite

Coco, D. (2014). The need of training in sport and physical activities: between economy and pedagogy. Formazione & Insegnamento, 12(4), 239–254. Retrieved from