Teachers and Training: For Sustainable Digital Implementation





School, Teachers, Digital, Training, Learning


The profound transformations of society and the challenges to be faced at a European and global level require special attention to the development of human, cultural and social capital, which represents the set of fundamental factors for sustaining and accelerating growth. According to Ceruti, the factors generating profound transformations are globalization and the explosion of new information technologies. In this context, the task of the education system becomes even more complex precisely because of the proliferation of information and knowledge as well as learning contexts and opportunities. The school’s task becomes that of fostering the growth of active and responsible citizens capable of unifying the fragmentation of information and knowledge, of filtering and connecting multiple experiences that are very diverse and heterogeneous. Schools must encourage students to contextualize knowledge; globalization, Industry 4.0 and technologies invite us to rethink the concept of education. In particular, the training of school personnel throughout their professional life becomes a decisive factor in redefining and recontextualizing the educational and teaching proposals that must respond to two different and complementary needs at the same time: «teaching to be» and «teaching to learn».


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How to Cite

Della Valle, E. (2022). Teachers and Training: For Sustainable Digital Implementation. Formazione & Insegnamento, 20(1 Tome II), 868–876. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XX-01-22_77

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