The assessment of the competence in sport-related games teaching processes


  • Francesco Sgrò Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Mario Lipoma


The assessment of fundamental movement skills is one of the main research topics addressed to the studies related to physical and sport education. It is widely established that a proficiency level of motor skill development is related with behaviours oriented to well-being across the life course. Furthermore, the relationship between the developmental level of the fundamental movement skills and the sport practice is well recognized. Anyway, a few studies addressed the methods useful for providing valid, ecological and authentic assessment of the competence needed in team sport-related games learning process. On the other hand, sport games are widely adopted in the physical education curriculum across the world. By keeping in mind these evidences, the current study addresses these issues and it provides a detailed description of two authentic methods used the most for assessing the psychomotor domain of learning.



How to Cite

Sgrò, F., & Lipoma, M. (2019). The assessment of the competence in sport-related games teaching processes. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(2), 67–80. Retrieved from