The role of emotions in the transferring process of new didactic. Teachers Facial Feedback Meta-analysis


  • Francesco Peluso Cassese


Essentially, literature in the field of teachers’ emotions stresses the fact that
behavior and cognition are inseparable from perception and emotion.
Teachers’ emotion in the current contexts of educational reforms and the
role of emotions in the transferring process of new didactic behavior in
their usual practice, make an effective educational practice possible. In fact,
teachers experience several emotional answers which directly influence the
choice of didactic processes within the professional development. In our
work we will evaluate their representation through the EMGs activity of the
corrugator muscle of the eyebrow, the zygomatic major muscle.Previous
studies we referred to at the beginning of our work deal with four main
themes: the effectiveness of the imagery-based methods, the first place of
facial expressions in social interactions, the relation between emotions and
facial expressions in different contexts and teachers’ sensitivity.



How to Cite

Peluso Cassese, F. (2015). The role of emotions in the transferring process of new didactic. Teachers Facial Feedback Meta-analysis. Formazione & Insegnamento, 13(2), 179–190. Retrieved from