“Action Competencies” and School Inclusion through Education for Sustainable Development




Palabras clave:

Inclusion, Environment, Equity, Sustainability, Competencies


Education for Sustainable Development is part of a broad organizational framework governed in the first instance by the UNESCO Recommendations on Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace. It is not, therefore, the exclusive domain of environmental or technological disciplines: Education for Sustainable Development is marked by a humanistic-transformative orientation. How can we contribute to the development of the action competencies starting from the paradigm of school inclusion? This article proposes to address this question with the aim of redesigning activities within an ecological framework.


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Cómo citar

Maienza, M. (2022). “Action Competencies” and School Inclusion through Education for Sustainable Development. Formazione & Insegnamento, 20(2), 158–164. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XX-02-22_11