Leadership for Social Justice in Education: The Legacy of Marielle Franco





Marielle Franco, critical pedagogy, leadership for social justice, favelas, education and politics.


This article delves into the unique intersection of politics, pedagogy, and leadership for social justice in education, as embodied in the life and work of Marielle Franco, a Brazilian sociologist, human rights activist, and politician. Growing up in the Maré favela of Rio de Janeiro, Franco developed an activist approach that redefined educational theory to address the specific challenges faced by marginalized urban communities in Brazil. The article offers a critical analysis of Franco’s educational philosophy, her leadership in promoting inclusion and social justice, her application of intersectionality, and the broader implications of her work for contemporary educational practices. Additionally, it reflects on the impact of her assassination in 2018, which further solidified her legacy as a powerful symbol of resistance against systemic oppression. Franco’s contributions present a compelling model for integrating education with political activism and intercultural dialogue, offering vital insights into addressing diversity struggles in today’s globalized world.


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How to Cite

Bufalino, G. (2024). Leadership for Social Justice in Education: The Legacy of Marielle Franco. Formazione & Insegnamento, 22(3), 134–141. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XXII-03-24_15