The Tactical Games Model and Small Sided Soccer Games: A new perspective for the development of musculoskeletal components in young footballers
Tactical Games Model, Musculoskeletal fitness, Functional motor competence, Sport performance, SoccerAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Tactical Games Model (TGM) and Small Sided Soccer Games (SSGs) in a youth sports and recreational context, to improve the technical-tactical skills and musculoskeletal fitness of young athletes. The sample considered includes 29 children with an average age of 7.6 ±0.72 years subjected to a protocol of sixteen training sessions. In the initial, intermediate and final phases, tests were administered to evaluate the levels of musculoskeletal fitness (FMS), functional motor skills (FMC) and game performance, using the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). The results indicate statistically significant changes in Handgrip (HG), Supine-to-Stand and go (STS&GO) and Game Involvment for technical-tactical skills. The adoption of the TGM protocol and SSSGs demonstrates a positive impact on some components of FMS, suggesting that TGM may be an effective tool not only in promoting children’s general health, but also in improving fundamental motor skills relevant to sport, like football.
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