Understanding about teaching methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences degree courses


  • Rosaria Schembri




The reflection of this work stems from the Research Program of National Interest called "Ontoped" (Lipoma, 2014), developed in the years 2011-2013. The Ontoped's complex work was the result of the collaboration between several Italian university research units. The research group of the Kore University of Enna addressed the issue of Physical Education, examining the subject through the use of ontological maps. This contribution deals, in particular, with the analysis and description of the methodological dimension and the related didactic strategies. The work represents a reflection on teaching methodologies used the most by university teachers in their courses in Physical Education and Sport Science degree courses and underlines the need to foster more space to educational-relational aspects.



How to Cite

Schembri , R. . (2021). Understanding about teaching methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences degree courses. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(3 Suppl.), 027–033. https://doi.org/10.7346/-feis-XIX-03-21_03