Analysis and Comparison of the Factors Determining and Impact on Sports Performance: A Review
Physical qualities, Motor skills, Team sports, Applicable indicationsAbstract
In team sports, the demand for technical and tactical skills prevails, but to achieve significant sporting results, players must also have high and specific physical qualities. In basketball, soccer and volleyball, players repeatedly perform specific motor skills with maximal or sub-maximal efforts (accelerations, changes of direction and jumps), with short recovery pauses. The purpose of this review is to identify and analyze the determining factors of performance in basketball, soccer and volleyball, and what the applicable indications may be to improve it, taking the performance model as a reference. The PRISMA method was used, the inclusion criteria and various search engines were used to find results in the literature (Pubmed, Google Scholar and Frontiers). The determinants are described and analyzed as factors that influence sports performance for each of the three team sports considered. The different physiological qualities should be improved with specific methods and applications.
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