Developing Character Skills, Values and Virtues through Experience: A Strategy to Promote Sustainable Development
Skills, Values, Virtues, Education, SustainabilityAbstract
To improve competitiveness and the possibility of entering the labour market, young people need to demonstrate that they possess sustainability skills, character skills, values and virtues. The contribution aims to highlight how, in order to achieve the idea of sustainable development promoted by the 2030 Agenda, some values and virtues, some skills for sustainability of the LIFECOMP model (Sala et al., 2020) and some character skills, can represent, together, a fundamental wealth of resources. Non-cognitive skills can prove to be crucial in improving the competitiveness of young people and in building more sustainable contexts, since the development of these skills is due precisely to the formation of social dispositions and some values and virtues that favor community life, training in common responsibilities that makes it possible to prevent forms of deviance and incivility (Chiosso et. al. 2021, p. 39), and promotes ethical lifestyles, oriented towards inclusion and the progress of society also through work.
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