A training model for teacher professional development
Teacher education, Video Modeling, Microteaching, Lesson Study, Professional developmentAbstract
The models currently adopted in teacher training need a profound review and now they have to be organically inserted within circular models aimed at progressive improvement, which involve a continuous integration among recognition of the problem, selection of hypotheses, development of effective interventions, evaluation of results, review. The purpose of this paper is to describe both the technical and organizational methods that allow implementing a training project capable to accompany and translate into practice the objectives identified in the School Improvement Plans (SIP) in order to make them the subject of targeted and functional interventions to achieve the expected results. An important role is taken by guided modelling processes, integrated with direct experiences in the classroom completed by recursive “reflective activities” and, in this sense, the methodologies and techniques that, more than others, can respond to training needs will be presented. In particular, activities of microteaching and lesson study will be detailed since, when they are hybridized with video modelling, they could prefigure a development perspective for teacher training processes.
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