A half-full glass: the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in teacher training in Italy


  • Maria Chiara Pettenati Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Isabel de Maurissens





The 2030 Agenda of the United Nations foresees 17 sustainable development goals articulated in 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Among these, there is the Goal 4 (Quality Instruction) - in its turn articulated in 10 targets - among which the target 4.7 aims to ensure education for sustainable development and global citizenship for all students. This is a target that strongly calls Education as "a tool" to achieve the other goals within each country. The objective of this study is to inform Italy's position with respect to Indicator 4.7.1 internationally used to monitor the achievement of the target 4.7: To what extent (i) education for global citizenship and (ii) development education sustainable, including gender equality and human rights, are integrated at all levels in: (a) national educational policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher training; and (d) student assessment. In this work elements (a) and (c) of this indicator relating are analysed with special focus at 2017/18, the first year in which the Education for Sustainable Development strategies were addressed to teachers at a system level.



How to Cite

Pettenati, M. C., & de Maurissens, I. . (2019). A half-full glass: the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in teacher training in Italy. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(3), 75–89. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XVII-03-19_06

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