Media education training and ecological-inclusive mission


  • Tonia De Giuseppe


The socio-economic macro-structuring produced by the digitalized crossmedia
social evolution (De Haas, 2004) has determined structural and
supra-structural transformations, which affect the processes of identity
awareness (Bauman, 2003), personal and in the society (Honneth, 2012). The
media educator represents a strategic figure of pro-sociality and, at the
same time, he analyze socialization process generated by digitization. A
Media Educator promotes: intersubjective equality (Walster, 1978); co responsible (Bernowitz et al., 1964); self-management, co-management and
relational self-regulation in a qualitative perspective (Lawton, Simon, 1968);
ecological-systemic (Bronfenbrenner, 1986), micro / eso / meso / relational
macro between individual / society (Bronfenbrenner, 1986). This work try to
highlights and analyzed, as a pilot study, the evolutionary process of the
training systems (in the Campania region of Italy) connected to the introduction
of digital media in schools (Ottaviano, 2001), the role and organization
of media education and media educators, in perspective bio-psychosocial
(Bronfenbrenner, 1986), according to the ecological-inclusive mission,
investigated in the three-year study of the University of Salerno.



How to Cite

De Giuseppe, T. (2018). Media education training and ecological-inclusive mission. Formazione & Insegnamento, 16(2 Suppl.), 233–248. Retrieved from