Flipped methodology between systemic inclusion and didactic-assertive perspectives


  • Tonia De Giuseppe
  • Felice Corona


The concept of inclusion, centered on the value of development as a systemic contextual process, is reflected in the didactic perspective of the flipped classroom (Bergmann et al., 2011). This methodology focuses on overcoming the linear transmission of knowledge in teaching, in that it overturns
the roles and the rhythms of the educational process. The research being conducted at the University of Salerno concentrates on the training-educational needs of inclusive teaching on the value of education viewed as the “phenomenology of the existential evolution in the distinction of the rapport
among formal, non formal and informal education (Margiotta, 2014a, p. 125 [my translation]). This work stems from a reflection on the problems connected to crossmedia and globalization (Beck, 2000a), the liquid society (Bauman, 2003a) and on the analysis of the social emergencies within an ecological-systematic development (Bronfenbrenner, 2002). This descriptive-transformative research
(Cox et al., 2011) is articulated on two types of research contexts: general and situational, for a description and a critical reflection related to the individual and social transformations generated by a flipped teaching approach, which is not linear. To date the research data highlighted the importance of the influence of teaching and the planning of an integrated educational system (Hawks, 1992), of empowerment, in the social-contextual and transformative promotion, in an ecological-inclusive perspective, through a process of identity awareness, sharing of values and an emotional-assertive connection.



How to Cite

De Giuseppe, T., & Corona, F. (2017). Flipped methodology between systemic inclusion and didactic-assertive perspectives. Formazione & Insegnamento, 15(2), 409–420. Retrieved from https://ojs.pensamultimedia.it/index.php/siref/article/view/2366