The questions asked by the islamic fundamentalism and the principles of planetary citizenship


  • Guglielmo Borgia


The first part of this new millennium presents us a political and economic context in
which the so-called globalized society is rising from the ranks setting as its first foundation
the constitution of planetary citizenship, considered the first principle for the affirmation
of human rights and of civil co-habitation, in order to realise pacification, solidarity
and equality among peoples. Unfortunately this rising “Global Village” is still continuously
tormented by so many conflicts, destructiveness, inequalities and injustices.
Among peoples a climate of generalised violence and creeping terror prevails, causing
in the “citizens” of the planet bewilderment, distrust, insecurity and anxiety. Therefore,
the planetary citizenship is continually threatened by a strong competitiveness and individualism
making human beings threatening and threatened, it follows that many layers
of the world population do not feel ensured their fundamental rights. In such a direction,
the educational action can represent the keystone that works as a critical force
of emancipation of consciences and avoids the flattening on ideological positions that
undermine at the base the ongoing process of promotion of civil co-habitation, safeguard
of human rights and the constitution of a planetary citizenship as guarantee of
global peace and fundamental rights of the human being.



How to Cite

Borgia, G. (2017). The questions asked by the islamic fundamentalism and the principles of planetary citizenship. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2 Suppl.), 111–122. Retrieved from