Crossing borders outdoor. A pathway to a widespread education for sustainability starting from school


  • Mirca Benetton
  • Giulia Scarlatti



Starting from the interconnection of human life with other living beings and the environmental context, highlighted by the current health emergency situation, this paper focuses on the outdoor space as an opportunity for education and learning to be fostered in everyday life. This involves the school exploring new ways in the perspective of “widespread education” according to the principle of sustainability. With reference to the participatory paradigm, we present a pathway to outdoor education and co-planning among different generations and institutions concerning the planning and promotion of a garden. The proposal represents an experience of active teaching, based on constructive dialogue and shared actions with children and adolescents.



How to Cite

Benetton, M., & Scarlatti, G. (2021). Crossing borders outdoor. A pathway to a widespread education for sustainability starting from school. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(2), 228–236.