Inside the Scene: Perceptions and Relationships between Teachers through Forum Theatre
Teacher education, Theatre, Augusto Boal, Teacher relationAbstract
The relationship between teachers, a fundamental resource for every educational-school system, can find a possibility of profound and creative reflection in theatrical experience. Inspired by the principles of Augusto Boal's Forum Theatre, this work reflects on the experience of the Inside the Scene project, conceived within the EURESIS laboratory (University of Ferrara) and aimed at training compulsory school teachers. Through the intense metaphorical, emotional and interactive force of the stage action, the teachers involved were oriented to rethink their experiences, impulses, “internal oppressors” and senses about their professional role. The participants experienced the importance of re-elaborating the self in terms of openness towards other colleagues. The reflection that sparked the project pushes us to encourage pedagogical research and teacher training towards a dialogue with the world and resources of theatre to enhance, within its strength of total expressiveness and introspection, an empathetic and relational professional teaching model.
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