The socio-educational accountability of football academies
Sport, Social inclusion, Training, Youth footballAbstract
The recent amendment of Article 33 of the Constitution emphasises the social and educational importance of sport, equating free associationism in the sports sector with the educational mission of schools, albeit with different approaches. However, sports associations lack social accountability mechanisms like schools. This study analyses the role of football in promoting social inclusion and personal development. Forty-seven internal stakeholders from different football academies in the Potenza region were involved. They were administered a questionnaire consisting of 17 closed-ended questions. The Chi-square test assessed the relationships between the categorical variables and the significance of the response. The results show that football academies show openness to inclusion, but need additional training to deal with socio-educational challenges. Coaches should assume a broader educational role, while the Italian Football Federation could improve training for social inclusion, especially for individuals with special needs.
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