Teaching and methodological criticalities of ‘motor education,’ a new subject in primary school
Physical education, Specialist teacher, Generalist teacherAbstract
Until now, Italy was one of the few European countries, according to the Eurydice 2013 report, that entrusts teaching at generalist teacher without guaranteeing its effectiveness as recommended by the World Health Organization. Teaching will be entrusted by the specialist teacher, only for fourth and fifth classes, as provided by comma 103 article 1 of Budget law 2022. Aim is to identify the methodological and teaching criticalities/problems for application of it that will see the coexistence, within into primary school, of two different teacher profiles, generalist and specialist and both engaged in teaching the same discipline. The method adopted is the analysis official documents, and simulations of problem situations in application of new regulatory provisions. It comes out a composite framework of solutions that makes the management of the specific training offer complex and, so, that requires a disciplinary methodology training by the general teacher to be able to teach.
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