Multispecies interculturality? Notes for a more than human pedagogy
Posthumanism, Pedagogical research, Interculturality, Ontological pluralism, Indigenous cosmovisionAbstract
Posthumanist philosophy envisions a horizon in which we share cultural protagonism with other non-human, natural, and artificial entities. This idea leads us to the hypothesis of a multispecies interculturality, as a way to rethink the relationship between humans and non-humans from a non-anthropocentric perspective that projects pedagogical research toward an unprecedented scenario that is more than human. In the introduction, I summarize some of the central points of the posthumanist perspective. In the second and third part of the article, I try to highlight how the questioning of the posthumanist perspective calls for an updating of the meaning and scope of the intercultural paradigm. In the conclusions, I focus attention on some of the challenges that this call poses to pedagogy.
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