Deviance and talent, two sides of the same coin: Identifying overexcitabilities areas as potentials


  • Diana Olivieri Pensa MultiMedia Editore


Assuming that research suggests that the quality of the school environment is a significant predictor of success for deviant students, considered at risk, the suggestions and recommendations offered in this article are intended as catalysts to initiate a dialogue and encourage systemic change in schools, so that poor performing “difficult” students become successful, not by constraint, but because they themselves decide that success is a desirable goal, and are therefore helped to reverse counterproductive habits and cognitions. To do so, it is proposed to reconceptualize the so-called areas of overexcitability, identified by Dabrowski, as areas triggering potential.



How to Cite

Olivieri, D. (2019). Deviance and talent, two sides of the same coin: Identifying overexcitabilities areas as potentials. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(1 Suppl.), 59–76. Retrieved from