earning environment: is there an influence of school and classroom space on education?


  • Ulrike Stadler-Altmann


An overview of educational research on the influence of the constructed
environment on educational practice is starting this paper: At first, some aspects
for the evaluation of learning environment are presented, followed by
two sections about school space and classroom space to show the importance
of school buildings and classroom settings for teaching and learning
A focus is set on the coherency of the constructed school environment and
the resultant challenges that occur for teaching and learning. Finally, further
research questions are developed in the perspective of educational science
and architectural psychology.



How to Cite

Stadler-Altmann, U. (2018). earning environment: is there an influence of school and classroom space on education?. Formazione & Insegnamento, 16(2), 209–224. Retrieved from https://ojs.pensamultimedia.it/index.php/siref/article/view/2939