Discover and educate the emotions through games and sport activities


  • Daniele Coco


Natural changes that everyone experiences in a lifetime can be characterized
by moments of crisis and inability in managing emotions. The recreational
and sport practices can be a pathway towards knowledge of one’s
emotions in relation to others. Emotions can be defined as one of the engines
that drive sportspeople to put all of themselves into these experiences,
but only if properly managed they can bring that added value to
those who practice sport. Thus it can be interpreted in pedagogical accent
as the exercise of discipline trains in living up to commitments and the personality.
The sports education through the training involves the psychophysical
effort, and respect for rules and allows the athletes to know their
limits and overcome them.



How to Cite

Coco, D. (2017). Discover and educate the emotions through games and sport activities. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2 Suppl.), 357–370. Retrieved from