Children’s books as learning models. The transmission of gender roles


  • Teresa González Pérez Pensa MultiMedia Editore


From childhood behavior patterns associated with gender are internalized.
The socialization process builds and rebuilds sexist models on which the
identity of the new generations is based. Stories, tales and fictional narratives
are important in the formation of gender identity and are part of the
collective imagination. Are broadcasters and producers speeches, whose
messages are internalized through repetition and imitation. Literary texts
infant behavior as lines marked sexual difference, indicating behaviors and
profiles for men and women according to cultural values. The discursive
framework affects the forms of identity and awareness of how the male and
female identities are constructed.
Objectives was to investigate literature as a source of cultural transmission.
And identify gender marks present in some literary texts. Children’s literature
through their stories repeated stereotypes that have been built based
on the roles that have dominated in everyday society. Both traditional tales
and modern tales stories marked by gender models, reflecting the established
order of male supremacy and society are related.



How to Cite

González Pérez, T. (2017). Children’s books as learning models. The transmission of gender roles. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2 Suppl.), 57–68. Retrieved from