A Systematic Review on Digital Technologies on Sport Science: Didactic of Sport





Technologies, Exercise health, Sports applications, Sport science, Sport science technology


Background. Several reviews have analyzed studies on the effect digital technologies have had on sports science from a didactic point of view. This research seeks to review select studies on digital technologies in sports science. Methods. A systematic search for studies published up to November 25, 2021, was carried out on Sportdiscus, Science Direct, PsycINFO, and Medline bibliographic. The search and review process was carried out following steps provided in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2009 guidelines. Results. The initial database search returned 3256 results for inclusion in the systematic review. After removal of duplicates and non-full-length texts, scanning title and  bstracts, and full-text analysis, 13 articles were selected for inclusion. Discussion and Conclusion. Digital technologies have been very impactful in the development of sports science. This advancement has occurred in teaching (didactic of sport) and helping the population learn about the principles of exercising and sport science.




Como Citar

Toto, G. A. (2022). A Systematic Review on Digital Technologies on Sport Science: Didactic of Sport. Formazione & Insegnamento, 20(1 Suppl.), 001–012. https://doi.org/10.7346/-feis-XX-01-22_01