Body edu-action: physical education against obesity, a challenge to be won


  • Manuela Valentini Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Eleandra Fatuzzo
  • Margherita Francioni


As it’s known, overweight and obesity cause damages to health and prevention during childhood it’s fundamental; in spite of this, the increase of this “global plague” seems to have no end. During P.E. lessons or in their social life, young people can be subjected to discriminations and marginalizations. Some studies show that these factors lead to an increase of depressive symptoms, self-esteeme’s reduction, difficulties in integrating in a group of equal and not many body care. We reflect on a socio-ecological model guide to support the participation in physical activities of the school (summed up in five different levels), and on the interaction that encourages not only the diligence and the participation, but improve the motoric learning too. As a result of an experiment and a search carried out with children of Primary School, we report the data collected relating to the effectiveness of the movement, of the physical exercise and of the health diet.



How to Cite

Valentini, M., Fatuzzo, E., & Francioni, M. (2019). Body edu-action: physical education against obesity, a challenge to be won. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(2), 159–172. Retrieved from