Orthodox, Adapted, and Out of Place: Three Profiles of Montessori Primary School Teachers
Montessori education, Teacher profiles, Primary school, Cluster analysis, Educational practicesAbstract
A recent meta-analysis on the effectiveness of Montessori education highlights the limited attention given to the teacher’s impact and the scarcity of studies in Europe and Italy, the birthplace of the method. This study analyses the profiles of Montessori primary school teachers through cluster analysis, based on data collected via a questionnaire administered to 329 Italian teachers. The analysis identified three distinct groups: only the first (N = 154) fully adheres to Montessori principles. The other two groups diverge for various reasons, including conflicts with elements of the educational system, such as assessment methods, limits on student autonomy, rigid schedules, non-individualised teaching, and age homogeneity in classes. The study underscores the need for reforms in the educational system to enable Montessori teachers to implement a more inclusive education focused on the holistic development of children.
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