University Cooperation for Sustainable Development: The Example of the University of Padua (Italy) and the National School of Public Works (ENSTP) of Yaoundé (Cameroon)
Internationalization, Higher education, International cooperation, Cameroon, Italy, GlobalizationAbstract
Much of the scholarly work on the acceleration that characterizes the 21st century presents globalization no less than a neoliberal vision of the world, which embodies an increasingly advanced internationalization of economic activities. Globalization embodies an opening of borders, leads to a standardization of leisure, lifestyles, and consumption, as well as producing a globalized and westernized culture. The notion of globalization mobilizes higher education institutions (HEIs) through the establishment of a transnational educational space, which is part of the dynamics of free trade and internationalization. Over the past three decades (1990–2022), there has been a proliferation of activities of internationalization of higher education institutions all over the Planet. In this article, we will make a critical analysis of current practices of university cooperation. We will then propose a definition of university cooperation for sustainable development. Finally, we will present an experience of university cooperation for sustainable development in progress between the University of Padua (Italy) and the National School of Public Works (ENSTP) of Yaoundé in Cameroon.
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