The role of self-efficacy on teachers' attitudes towards inclusion of students with disabilities: a comparison between general and support teachers
Teachers’ attitudes, Teachers’ self-efficacy, Inclusive education, Support teachers, General teachersAbstract
In educational contexts, teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion are considered crucial elements for the implementation of effective inclusive practices. Teachers’ self-efficacy is considered one of the most relevant factors underlying their intention to implement different teaching strategies for including all students, in particular students with disabilities and special educational needs. Although the literature indicates that teachers have positive attitudes towards inclusion, studies focusing on such attitudes show inconsistent finding on the role and correlation between the different factors that determine them. The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ attitude by taking into account, as determining factors, teachers’ role (curricular or support teacher) and self-efficacy, with further analysis on the relationship between the two factors. Results show significant differences on the role of these two factors in determining teachers’ attitudes.
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