Epistemic writings: planning didactics by intertwining tradition and innovation





Didactic planning and variability, Media-educational research, Laboratory activity, Formative evaluation, Digital environment


The article describes the first year of a project called “Vertical, transpositive and epistemic writings” (Indire and UniTo), whose goal is based on focusing on new forms of writing in the school environment. Over time, the approach to new technologies has oriented the use of various “written” production methods, intertwining different media languages: these are combinations of words, sounds, images, already present in the technologies themselves, partly of “scriptural ideas fruit of the creativity of millennials. The project intends to consider the previous thirty years of the web, the actuality and the gap of writing “inside” and “outside” the school in the perspective of a varied and effective capacity for expression. This can happen thanks to a conscious approach and to a fruitful collaboration between students, teachers and the community of the web, through playful, poetic, ironic and autobiographical methods, among others. It is therefore not a “writing workshop”, but a path of awareness of the self and the other that can guide the choices of teachers and students. This path can allow, at the same time, personal/individual development, but also group and community. Media education must therefore undertake to monitor the sudden changes in the expressive behaviors of young people, accompanying these paths aimed at developing media/digital skills useful for their future life projects.



How to Cite

Anichini, A., Parola, A., & Nardi, A. (2021). Epistemic writings: planning didactics by intertwining tradition and innovation. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(3), 145–160. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XIX-03-21_10