L’EduAnimaEstro: a new figure for school (and beyond)


  • Luca Capra




The renewal of the Italian school, with the advent of the National Guidelines for the Curriculum, has opened a new season for school and teaching, all to be built and implemented. Precisely for this reason, it is also necessary to renew the adults, the teachers, who are at school. What skills are needed by such individuals? The article tries to outline a new figure starting from what is stated by the National Guidelines for the Curriculum and what the author considers fundamental for the advent of a new school.



How to Cite

Capra, L. (2021). L’EduAnimaEstro: a new figure for school (and beyond). Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(1 Tome II), 747–756. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XIX-01-21_63