Computational thinking vs Systemic learning


  • Demetrio Ria


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are conducive to a
transformational renovation of society. For a sustainable society, however, it
is necessary to transform the way of thinking beyond ordering, preserving
and interacting with the information. Computer science (CS) professionals
already have a set of conceptual tools designed to solve their problems.
This kit is sometimes referred to as “computational thinking”. Computational
thinking, however, tends to see the world in terms of a number of problems
(or problem-types) that have computational solutions or in any case
can be traced back to known resolution models. In this paper, we try to argue
in support of an idea of a bridge needed to unite computational
thought to the practice of sustainability. Sustainability, understood in a systemic
sense, is an approach that recognizes the close interrelationship between
technology, human behavior and the environment. In the pages that
follow, we seek to develop, albeit as a sketch, an idea that provides a regional
pedagogical ontology of the sustainable relationship between community,
environment and technology starting from a critical analysis of computational
thinking (CT).



How to Cite

Ria, D. (2017). Computational thinking vs Systemic learning. Formazione & Insegnamento, 15(2 Suppl.), 95–106. Retrieved from