Human capabilities vs. Human capital: The pedagogical variable in human and economic growth


  • Demetrio Ria


Economy “requires” society to display an active and flexible behaviour aimed at internalizing change. Within such course of action, change becomes the structural feature of the labour markets’ “balancing mechanism” that is functional to the needs of the system of production. In order to provide everbody with equal opportunities, it is necessary to subvert such classical economicist approach. Accordingly, there is the need to attribute a central role to the individual who, on her behalf, takes up the responsability of retrieving resources that are necessary to the fulfilment of her lifeplan.
Thus, educational institutions have a new task to accomplish: the creation of an environment that allows new generations to easily acquire and develop capabilities.



How to Cite

Ria, D. (2013). Human capabilities vs. Human capital: The pedagogical variable in human and economic growth. Formazione & Insegnamento, 11(1), 145–152. Retrieved from