The motor praxeology: Towards a new sport and physical activities epistemological vision


  • Alessandro Bortolotti


Main aim of this work is to introduce a subject that can provide a positive
impact on the epistemology of Physical Education, called Motor Praxeology.
Developed along the last decades of last century by Pierre Parlebas, Parisian
professor of both Sociology and Physical Education, Motor Praxeology offers
interesting analytical tools, that I believe may facilitate the recognition
of what makes sports and motor games effective, in order to improve both
personal and social development. Particularly, the paper focused on: social
norms reflected by motor play; structural dimensions of socio-motoric interactions;
analysis of those “play areas” that arise matching socio-motoric
interactions, along with environmental conditions. These definitions can
have a great impact on Physical Education projects, scientific research, personal
and social development.



How to Cite

Bortolotti, A. (2017). The motor praxeology: Towards a new sport and physical activities epistemological vision. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(3 Suppl.), 75–84. Retrieved from