School-Work Alternation: success condition


  • Giovanni Sedioli
  • Claudio Gentili


The approval of the reform of the school system, (Law no. 107/2015), introduces
in Italy the school-work alternation. For the first time the “culture of
work” is inserted systematically in schools’ curriculas with the aim of
preparing students for a better employability after diploma and a more conscious
entry into the labor market. The authors analyze and explain the historical,
social and cultural context in which the reform is introduced and the
role of educational partnerships within the school-work alternation’s
processes can and should take place with the involvement and the shared
responsibility of educational actors and economic ones. The study also indicates
some possible critical questions for the diffusion of school-work alternation
processes and gives reference models to be set in the territories.



How to Cite

Sedioli, G., & Gentili, C. (2016). School-Work Alternation: success condition. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2), 187–198. Retrieved from