Between “porter” and “philosopher”: the “third learned person”


  • Luigino Binanti


People educability is apparently a topic to be debated again, starting from the new beliefs about how to build knowledge and competences. The only interpretation is an epistemological-hermeneutical one. It is definitely evident how theory and praxis are merging, resulting in the shift from a contemplative to an active knowledge: from the knowledge of a viewer to the knowledge of an actor, engaged actively to face educational issues.
As a consequence, the educational instance derives from the mix of special-temporal categories, from conventional and subjective processes leading to a reinterpretation of the scientific aspect in an educational research based on more stable and flexible grounds, on “palafittes”. In science of education, we must ban the constraints deriving from a programming of an adult type and activist infatuations in the name of a spontaneity without any humanity.
Educators and pedagogists should wonder about the possible responsibilities correlated to the event.
Pedagogy must take new routes than the ones covered up to now, which often produced a kind of an isolation with respect to the other human sciences.
To do so, it should acquire the skill to discuss with both the philosopher and the porter.



How to Cite

Binanti, L. (2016). Between “porter” and “philosopher”: the “third learned person”. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2), 45–54. Retrieved from