Pedagogical narration: between symbols and tales


  • Stefano Salmieri Pensa MultiMedia Editore


Narrations and tales represent a form of dialogue and confrontation with
life. This is because they allow the creation of some place where the domain
of possibility and symbolism can meet with the concreteness of living. Indeed,
narratives and art show facts as they could be, placing them in the domain
of universality. Pedagogy, in its most open-minded and problematicist
form, is the research of what is possible and the practice of what is impossible.
Inside the narration diversity, which must be recognized and not rejected,
becomes a motivation to promote a communal itinerary of growth,
without any discriminations. In the tale, indeed, what is real and what is
possible intertwine and rational dichotomies weaken, losing any efficiency.
Finally, narration and pedagogy are neither closed nor definitive.



How to Cite

Salmieri, S. (2015). Pedagogical narration: between symbols and tales. Formazione & Insegnamento, 13(1), 89–98. Retrieved from