Internationalisation and teachers’ training Convergences and divergences between Europe and Latin America, towards a new educational model


  • Juliana Raffaghelli


This article attempts to introduce the scenery of polizie in education that encompass the beginning of MIFORCAL project “Master en Formaciòn de Profesorado de Calidad para la enseñanza secundaria”. The article aims to provide a picture of the
current debate on internationalisation processes, that in time frames some problems of theoretical nature within the fiekld of construction of teachers’ professional identity, which is called to operate in a growing complexity from the social, cultural
and technological point of view. The starting point is hence the international policies issue on the theme of teachers’ education, moving subsequently on the specific discussion of educational research about teachers’ skills, competencies and identity; this considering the crucial importance of teachers for an educational shifting. The specific presentation of policies, projects and research at European level is therefore compared with Latinamerican reality, in search for those convergencies and divergencies that make the problema common space of “Eurolatinoamerican” discussion. Space that, in the end, aims at open future perspectives for scientific collaboration, for teachers, trainers and researchers mobility, as strategy of educational innovation that goes beyond the restricted boundaries of national/ local education sceneries, and that in this article we will denominate “enlarged cultural context of learning”.



How to Cite

Raffaghelli, J. (2015). Internationalisation and teachers’ training Convergences and divergences between Europe and Latin America, towards a new educational model. Formazione & Insegnamento, 8(1-2), 97–174. Retrieved from

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