What does it mean to learn? 20 questions about education, sustainable development and the encyclical Laudato si'


  • Pierluigi Malavasi Pensamultimedia




The contribution, without any pretense of being exhaustive, is structured starting from some solicitations that cross the Encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato si', recalling the ambiguities of notions such as sustainability or sustainable development. Twenty questions punctuate the essay to help think about the foundation of responsibility training for a planetary green new deal. The expository form is direct, not going into the analytical elaboration of the individual issues touched upon.



How to Cite

Malavasi, P. (2021). What does it mean to learn? 20 questions about education, sustainable development and the encyclical Laudato si’ . Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(1 Tome I), 012–023. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XIX-01-21_01