iPad and tablet devices in a technological environment. Adaptive collaborative communication tools in learning


  • MariaRita Bucciarelli


Communicating effectively at the start of the third millennium is a feat which, if not hard, is at least very difficult to accomplish. In fact, it requires knowledge and correct usage of verbal and non-verbal theories and technologies.
However, they do not appear to be widespread in a world whose
official transmission of knowledge favoured above all the written tradition and, specifically in the academic field, literature. During a period of experimental work that lasted for more than ten years, new methods and technologies have been developed which will allow an inquiry on the digital environments, as long as evaluation tools that could support disciplinary didactics and convey knowledge and skills.



How to Cite

Bucciarelli, M. (2014). iPad and tablet devices in a technological environment. Adaptive collaborative communication tools in learning. Formazione & Insegnamento, 9(3 Suppl.), 319–330. Retrieved from https://ojs.pensamultimedia.it/index.php/siref/article/view/934