The museum-showcase: An ally for the multi-class teaching, over ages


  • Francesca Davida Pizzigoni Pensa MultiMedia Editore



The article traces the history of a particular teaching aid: the museum-showcase, starting from its discovery in a multi-class elementary school, getting to analyze its benefits in today multi-class school. The museum-showcase is a teaching object that was born as a support to active teaching in all elementary classes. It fulfills the law requirements from late nineteenth century to the second half of the twentieth century, furthermore the museum-showcase can be considered as the iconic support to satisfy the needs of different age groups. The museum-showcase today can be considered as a curious and versatile educational support that is both able to facilitate a laboratory and personalized teaching, and to express all its potential within multi-class.



How to Cite

Pizzigoni, F. D. . (2020). The museum-showcase: An ally for the multi-class teaching, over ages. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(1 Special Issue), 16–29.