The meta-dispositive of generativity


  • Dario Nadia


In this issue, we considered generativity as a meta-dispositive of education
and, specifically, a tool for its critical analysis. The concept of dispositive
gives support to and aids our exploration: the generativity as theorized, is a
construction and reconstruction of education. We studied generativity as a
complex and heterogeneous system of discursive formations, of multiple,
transverse and branched knowledge which intertwine in material and practical
conditions. It’ll be a lent to theorize, problematize and understand the
trajectories that move and make up pedagogical dispositive of school education.



How to Cite

Nadia, D. (2017). The meta-dispositive of generativity. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2 Suppl.), 249–268. Retrieved from