The narrative that is going digital: theoretical overview and educational applications


  • Elena Consalvi


This paper is divided into three sections and focused on the particular
process of technological innovation currently underway in followed whom
some interactive changes have involved the social life. Debutant relational
virtual mode, that become the normal existence state of millions of individuals,
it is assumed that are central in the structuring of identities. So appears
essential that at school space all actors develop new skills. After an
overview about some authors who studied the theme of the narrative linking
to the training, it will be presented several experimental investigations
regarding the practice by which narrative action is experienced in the context
of these today’s transformations and finally it will be described a particular
research project.



How to Cite

Consalvi, E. (2017). The narrative that is going digital: theoretical overview and educational applications. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2 Suppl.), 233–248. Retrieved from