Pandemic and School Change: An Exploratory Survey on Secondary School Teachers




Digital innovation, Educational relationship, Challenged youths, Didactic model review


The article presents an exploratory research, conducted in 2021–2022 during the pandemic, an emergency that had severe consequences in schools. A research group, in collaboration with the University of Padua, aimed at verifying the impact that the restrictions imposed on schools, with the massive introduction of technology in teaching, had on teachers and students. Online interviews were then conducted, involving 41 secondary school teachers from 6 Italian regions. In particular, through the qualitative analysis with ATLAS.ti, the answers to three questions relating to the change in teaching and relational models, accelerated by the emergency and long awaited, also as a result of the digital revolution, were examined.


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How to Cite

Da Re, L., Ferraro, S., Burba, G., & Poli, R. (2023). Pandemic and School Change: An Exploratory Survey on Secondary School Teachers. Formazione & Insegnamento, 21(3), 32–44.