The environmental movement Extinction Rebellion: A context that educates to care, effective decentralisation and non-violent action
Climate and ecological crisis, Ecological education, Non-violent Education, Institutional pedagogy, SociocracyAbstract
Extinction Rebellion is an environmental movement that practices non-violent civil disobedience to compel government action to counter the eco-climatic crisis. The thesis argued in this article is that Extinction Rebellion represents a particularly interesting context from an educational point of view, because it is based on highly structured organisational methodologies, through which the movement's founding principles are embodied in practices that its members tend to learn and internalise. In particular, three dimensions of the movement will be highlighted: firstly, it is strongly characterised by practices of personal, interpersonal and community care; secondly, it is a decentralised organisation that aims to distribute responsibilities and avoid concentrations of power, while safeguarding the effectiveness of decision-making processes; finally, it is a space that trains people to practice non-violent political action.
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