The influence of stress and protective factors on teaching practices: A survey of teachers in training
Teachers, Work-related stress, Stressors, Inclusive teaching practices, Pre-service teacher trainingAbstract
Work-Related Stress (WRS) in the teaching profession is a focal issue in the current scientific landscape. While the main causes and consequences in terms of teachers’ mental and physical health are known, contextual causes related to organization and effects on the implementation of effective teaching practices are neglected, thus tying psychological aspects to pedagogical implications. The paper shows the results of a research conducted on a sample of 139 teachers coming out of a TFA course on ICT, aimed at investigating the main factors of SLC and its implications for the activation of inclusive teaching. The results show that the major cause of stress is the relationship with colleagues who are perceived as unsupportive. In particular, the lack of recognition of the role of support teacher prevents the implementation and testing of inclusive practices, although these are part of the teacher’s skill set.
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